Vince/ Course/ PhysGeol/Geo1405-SedRox-F21.html

Ancient ripple marks preserved on a bedding surface of a sandstone in the Dakota Formation (Cretaceous) at Dinosaur Ridge, Colorado. Photo by Vince Cronin.

Sedimentary Rocks

This page is revised frequently throughout the semester. Reload this page in your browser every time you visit this page to be certain that you are reading the most current course information



  1. Read: the study questions for this topic, listed at and keep them in mind as you read the following assignments. Most, if not all, of the answers will be in the reading assignments for this topic.
  2. View a short video from Dave McConnell and friends — Sedimentary Rocks
  3. Scan: Earth, chapter 7, Sedimentary Rocks
    Note that Tarbuck, Lutgens, and Linneman refer to "chemical" rocks in section 7.3, but it would be better to think of these as precipitated sedimentary rocks.
  4. Read: Earth, chapter 7, section 7.1 An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and all of its subsections
  5. Read: Earth, chapter 7, section 7.2 Clastic Sedimentary Rocks and all of its subsections
  6. Read: Earth, chapter 7, section 7.3 Chemical Sedimentary Rocks and all of its subsections
    Note that Tarbuck, Lutgens, and Linneman refer to "chemical" rocks in section 7.3, but it would be better to think of these as precipitated sedimentary rocks as contrasted with clastic (siliciclastic, bioclastic, volcaniclastic) sedimentary rocks or organic solids. Many limestones are mostly or entirely bioclastic sedimentary rocks.
  7. Read: Earth, chapter 7, section 7.4 Coal: An Organic Sedimentary Rock.
    Note that coal is not actually a "rock" by common definition, because coal is not primarily made of mineral grains. Hence, referring to coal as an organic solid is preferred to referring to it as a rock.
  8. Read: Earth, chapter 7, section 7.5 Turning Sediment Into Sedimentary Rock and its subsections
  9. Read: Earth, chapter 7, section 7.6 Classification of Sedimentary Rocks.
  10. Read: Earth, chapter 7, section 7.7 Sedimentary Rocks Represent Past Environments and all of its subsections

Mastering Geology Reminder

Complete the Dyamic Study Module called Sedimentary Rocks and HW07 by going to Mastering Geology through the Canvas space associated with this lecture section (202130 GEO 1405 01 - The Dynamic Earth)

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All of the original content of this website is © 2021 by Vincent S. Cronin