Vince/ Course/ IntroStructGeol/Assignment-Submit-Instructions.html

Assignment Submittal Instructions

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Version of October 27, 2021

Your assignments might involve entirely-digital documents (e.g., and Excel spreadsheet, a Word document, a PowerPoint document) or a document that you complete by hand and must then convert into a digital document by scanning and saving as a PDF document.

If your responses involve hand work on a paper document...

If your completed assignment involves hand work on a paper document, you will need to convert your original paper document into a digital document by scanning and saving as a PDF document.

  1. Scan your work
  2. Login to Baylor's Canvas LMS ( ), navigate to 202130 GEO 3445 01 - Structural Geology, click on the Assignments link along he sidebar, find the appropriate assignment, and upload the PDF file for each completed activity associated with that particular assignment.

If your responses involve electronic documents that don't need to be scanned...

  1. Name the electronic file as follows: YourLastName-AssignmentX.yyyy, where in place of the X you should put the assignment number, and you should use the correct file type indicator at the end of the file name in place of the "yyyy". So if your name was Emmett Till and you were submitting your work on Assignment 12 in the form of an Excel file, the file would be named Till-Assignment12.xlsx
    If you have a second part of the assignment to upload, append a "-2" to the end of the filename you used for the first submission. Follow the same strategy for any additional uploads for that assignment.
  2. Login to Baylor's Canvas LMS ( ), navigate to 202130 GEO 3445 01 - Structural Geology, click on the Assignments link along he sidebar, find the appropriate assignment, and upload the electronic file for each completed activity associated with that particular assignment.

You may not provide information about the answers to anyone other than your teacher. So don't use someone else's answers in the work you submit for credit, and do not allow someone else to use your answers in their submitted work. Cheating is beneath your dignity.

Please let Dr. Cronin or your graduate teaching assistant know if you have trouble submitting your work!

If you have any questions or comments about this site or its contents, drop an email to the humble webmaster .
All of the original content of this website is © 2020 by Vincent S. Cronin