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Muscovite schist exposed in Central Park, Manhattan Island, New York City. Photo by Cindy Cronin.

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Metamorphic Rocks


Read and study chapter 8

Notes and Handouts

Notes: MetRox-MainPoints.pdf (pdf file, ~55 KB)

Decision tree for identifying sedimentary rocks: (pdf file, 174 KB)

Presentation file (7.5 MB)

Smart Figures

8.3 — Sources of heat for metamorphism:

8.4 — Confining pressure and differential stress:

8.7 — Mechanical rotation of platy mineral grains to produce foliation:

8.11 — Development of rock cleavage:

8.19 — Contact metamorphism:

8.24 — Regional metamorphism:

8.25 — Metamorphism along a fault zone:

8.26 — Textural variations caused by regional metamorphism:

8.28 — Garnet, an index mineral, provides evidence of intermediate-to high-grade metamorphism:

Vocabulary to learn

Consult your textbook or lecture notes for definitions. Remember that the best general source of definitions in geology is the AGI Glossary of Geology.

amphibolite antigorite biotite blueschist burial metamorphism
chlorite chrysotile combustion metamorphism contact metamorphism crystal plasticity
diagenesis differential stress dislocation metamorphism eclogite fault rock
foliation foliation garnet gigapascal gneiss
gneissic foliation gneissic layering granoblastic texture granofels granofelsic texture
high-grade metamorphism hornfels hot-slab metamorphism hydrothermal fluid hydrothermal metamorphism
impact metamorphism kilobar kyanite lightning metamorphism lizardite
local metamorphism low-grade metamorphism marble megapascal metabreccia
metaconglomerate metamorphic facies metamorphic gradient metamorphic index mineral metasomatism
migmatite muscovite mylonite neoblast neomineralization
newton partial melting pascal phyllite phyllosilicates
porphyroblastic texture porphyroblasts porphyroclasts pressure pressure solution
protolith pyrometamorphism quartz quartzite recrystallization
regional metamorphism relict bedding schist schistosity serpentine minerals
serpentinite sillimanite slate slaty cleavage soapstone
staurolite takc temperature time wet diffusion

Study Questions

Note that any of the vocabulary words listed above is "fair game" for a question on any quiz that includes this material.

Metamorphic rocks study questions: MetRox-Questions.html (web page)

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