Vince/ Course/ PhysGeol/ Glaciers-Cryosphere.html

Ainsworth Bay and Marinelli Glacier, Tierra del Fuego, Chile, photographed December 30, 2009. Photo by Aztlec via Wikimedia Commons (

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Glaciers and the Cryosphere


Read and study chapter 18

Notes and Handouts

Glaciers-MainPoints.pdf (pdf file)

Glaciers-MainPoints.docx (docx file)

Presentation files

--Nothing available at this time. Consult the notes available via the link above.

Smart Figures

18.2 — Ice sheets:

18.5 — Iceland's Vatajökul ice cap:

18.7 — Movement of a glacier:

18.9 — Measuring the movement of a glacier:

18.11 — Zones of a glacier:

18.18 — Erosional landforms created by alpine glaciers:

18.19 — A U-shaped glacial trough:

18.25 — Formation of a medial moraine:

18.26 — End moraines of the Great Lakes region:

18.27 — Two significant end moraines in the Northeast:

18.28 — Common depositional landforms:

18.31 — Changing sea level:

18.41 — Orbital variations:

Vocabulary to learn

Consult your textbook or lecture notes for definitions. Remember that the best general source of definitions in geology is the AGI Glossary of Geology.

ablation abrasion albedo alpine glacier arete
bergschrund cirque clathrate col continental glacier
crevasses cryosphere drift drumlin end moraine
esker firn limit glacial periods glacial polish glacial retreat
glacial stages glacial striation glacier greenhouse gas ground moraine
hanging valley headwall horn ice cap ice field
ice shelf interglacial period kame kettle lake lateral moraine
Laurentide Ice Sheet loess methane methane hydrate Milankovitch cycle
mountain glacier outwash deposit outwash stream paternoster lake permafrost
plucking recessional moraine rouche moutonnee sea ice seasonal frozen ground
snowfield stagnant ice stratified drift sublimation substrate
tarn terminal moraine thermohaline ocean circulation till unstratified drift
zone of ablation zone of accumulation zone of wastage

Study Questions

Glaciers-Questions.html (html file)

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