Vince/ Course/ IntroStructGeol/3445-Lect-Intro20.html

Icebergs from the Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica.

Isbergs calved from the Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica.

Introductory Structural Geology, Introduction

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Refer to Ben van der Pluijm and Steve Marshak, Processes in Structural Geology and Tectonics (, chapter 1


  1. View the video Structural Geology Course Welcome and Orientation, which is accessible on Dr. Cronin's YouTube channel Cronin-Structure-Ed.
  2. View the pronunciation guide for nerdy geoscience terms used in the first chapter of PSG&T at Pronouncing Terms from the Intro Chapter.
  3. Scan: PSG&T, chapter 1, Geologic Structures and Deformation Regimes, focusing on definitions of terms.

    An additional source for good definitions of geoscience terms is the AGI Glossary of Geology, which you should have your very own copy of. The AGI Glossary is available at a reduced price for geoscience students through August 31, 2020: If you are going to be a geologist, buy a paper copy and use it all the time. If you are taking this course for some other reason, you can get access to the online version of the AGI Glossary of Geology, whose definitions are abbreviated:

  4. Read: sections 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9 in their entirety. There aren't any study questions for this chapter, which is primarily useful to provide a bit of background and context for our future work.

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All of the original content of this website is © 2020 by Vincent S. Cronin