This glossary of geology terms is being compiled by Vince Cronin for the benefit of geoscience students who are using the AGI/NAGT Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology (Pearson), or who are enrolled in one of Professor Cronin's geoscience courses. The content is based on an assortment of textbooks, dictionaries, and glossaries, as well as on typical usage and understanding of these terms.
The text, graphics, digital photographs, responsive web design, CSS, and sound files for this glossary were all created by Vince Cronin. This glossary and all of its original content are © 2018 by Vincent S. Cronin.
Suggestions for additions, clarifications, and corrections are welcome. Polite, constructive correspondence about this glossary can be sent to
Allaby, Michael, 2013, A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences [4th Edition]: Oxford University Press, 672 p., ISBN 978-0199653065
Fettes, D., and Desmons, J., [editors], 2011, Metamorphic Rocks -- A Classification and Glossary of Terms: New York, Cambridge University Press, 244 p., ISBN 978-0-521-33618-5
Le Maitre, R.W., [editor] and others, 20004, Igneous Rocks -- A Classification and Glossary of Terms [2nd Edition]: Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 244 p., ISBN 978-0-521-33618-5.
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary [11th Edition]: Springfield, Massachusetts, Merriam-Webster, Inc., 1623 p., ISBN 978-0-87779-809-5
Neuendorf, K.K.E., Mehl, J.P., Jr., and Jackson, J. A., 2005, Glossary of Geology [5th Edition]: Alexandria, Virginia, American Geological Institute, 779 p., ISBN 978-0-922152-76-6
Salvador, A., [editor], 2013, International Stratigraphic Guide [2nd Edition]: International Union of Geological Sciences and Geological Society of America, 214 p., ISBN 0-8137-7401-2
Wikipedia Glossary of Geology, accessible via