Horace Greeley famously said "Go west, young man." West is a compass direction.
Q4. What is a compass direction?
Q5. How is a compass direction described?
Ways of describing angles (refer to Cronin's Vector Primer, p. 1-3; http://bearspace.baylor.edu/Vince_Cronin/www/StructGeol/vectorPrimer.pdf)
Q6. How do you convert a compass direction given in the quadrant system to the equivalent compass direction in the azimuth system?
Convert the following compass directions from the quadrant system to the azimuth system.
N32E: _______ | S14E: _______ | S78W: _______ | N70W: _______ |
N48W: _______ | S63W: _______ | S44E: _______ | N12E: _______ |
Q7. How do you convert a compass direction given in the azimuth system to the equivalent compass direction in the quadrant system?
Convert the following compass directions from the azimuth system to the quadrant system.
14°: _______ | 85°: _______ | 114°: _______ | 167°: _______ |
205°: _______ | 278°: _______ | 312°: _______ | 348°: _______ |
Compass direction as a vector quantity
Q8. What is a vector? (refer to Cronin's Vector Primer, p. 4)
Q9. What is a unit vector?
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The URL of this page is bearspace.baylor.edu/Vince_Cronin/www/StructGeol/StructLabBk1B.html
Modified November 6, 2008
All original content in these web pages is copyright (© 2006-2008) by Vince Cronin, and may be used with attribution for non-profit educational and research purposes.