Vince/ Course/ IntroStructGeol/3445-Lect-PQuiz1-19.html

Scupture of an amiable monster by Leopold Chauveau (1910) from the Louvre Museum, Paris.

Scupture of an amiable monster by Leopold Chauveau (1910) from the Louvre Museum, Paris. Photo by Vince Cronin.

Introductory Structural Geology, Pyramid Quiz 1

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Refer to Ben van der Pluijm and Steve Marshak, Processes in Structural Geology and Tectonics (, chapters 2-5, pages 41-135.

About Pyramid Quizzes

A pyramid (or 2-stage) quiz involve students answering some exam questions independently and turning their answers in before answering another set of questions -- maybe the same questions, maybe not -- in cooperative groups (

The individual part of the quiz is a closed-book, closed-note quiz in which the work you submit for credit must be entirely your own work.

The group part of the quiz is an open-book, open-note quiz in which the group discusses all potential answers and submits a single answer sheet that contains answers that are agreed to by all members of the group. They are consensus answers. All members of the group will put their names on the answer sheet.

Each of these will take an entire class period. The individual part of the quiz will occupy the first 30 minutes, and the group part will occupy the rest of the period.

As implemented in our course, the individual quiz will determine 75% of the total quiz grade, and the cooperative quiz will determine the rest. Any student whose individual quiz score is better than the score for the group quiz that they contributed to will receive their individual score as their final score.

Terms you should work to understand and use properly

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Some questions related to this material

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  30. question

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All of the original content of this website is © 2019 by Vincent S. Cronin