Vince/ Course/ IntroStructGeol/3445-Lect-Intro19.html

Icebergs from the Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica.

Isbergs calved from the Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica.

Introductory Structural Geology, Introduction

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Refer to Ben van der Pluijm and Steve Marshak, Processes in Structural Geology and Tectonics (, chapter 5, pages 109-135.

Terms you should work to understand and use properly

asthenosphere continental crust continental rift zone craton (or shield) crust
displacement dynamics finite motion GAGE GIA (Global Isostatic Adjustment)
GNSS GPS hotspot hotspot reference frame infinitesimal motion
instantaneous motion kinematics lithosphere mid-ocean ridge Moho
NNR reference frame oceanic crust plate plate-fixed reference frame plate kinematics
reference frame rigid speed statics subduction
transform fault UNAVCO upper mantle vector velocity

Some questions related to this material

  1. How does the average density of continental crust differ from that of oceanic crust?
  2. How does the average thickness of continental crust differ from that of oceanic crust?
  3. How does the average composition of continental crust differ from that of oceanic crust?
  4. How does the average ground-surface elevation of continental crust differ from that of oceanic crust?
  5. What two layers of Earth's interior constitute the lithosphere?
  6. What is the base of the crust called?
  7. question

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