Vince/ Course/ IntroStructGeol/3445-Lect-Homework.html |
Columnar joints along the Deschutes River in east-central Oregon. Photo by Vince Cronin.
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All homework assignments are to be completed on your own. Do not plagiarize anyone else's work and turn it in for credit as if it was entirely your own work.
Description of "terms & Qs" homework (TQHW): 1. Read the assigned chapter from the online textbook by Ben van der Pluijm and Steve Marshak, Processes in Structural Geology and Tectonic ( 2. Choose 5 geologic terms introduced in the chapter that you think are particularly important and central to the chapter topic. 3. Review whatever definitions of each of these terms that you can find in authoritative sources (AGI Glossary of Geology, Structural Geology textbooks), and write a clear and correct definition of each of the 5 terms you selected. Write the definition in a way that it would make sense to another novice geoscientist. 4. Compose from 1 to 3 questions that you think would be fair for Dr. Cronin to ask of a good student who has studied the chapter. 5. Create a text (.txt) file 6. Type your name on the first line, and press the return/enter key twice. 7. On the third line of the text file, type your list of 5 terms in alphabetical order (starting with the beginning of the alphabet) in one continuous string (without pressing the return/enter key), separated from one another with a comma. For example, you might type the following: albite,biotite mica,muscovite mica,olivine,pyroxene 8. Create a blank line after the list of terms 9. Write the 5 definitions you have compiled, clearly identifying the term that is being identified. leaving a blank line after each. Write each definition in correct standard English. 10. Compose 1-3 good questions directly related to important information from the chapter that might be appropriate for a quiz or exam. The questions must be on their own lines, separated by a blank line, and must be written in correct standard English. 11. Save your work as a text (.txt) file and name it with your last name first, a hyphen, the letters TQHW, and the two digits that indicate the number of the homework. For example, the homework associated with chapter 2 and submitted by Al Einstein would be named Einstein-TQHW02.txt 12. Send the file as an attachment to an email to, with your last name and the letters TQHW, and the two digits that indicate the number of the homework as the SUBJECT line on the email All such assignments are due before midnight on the day identified in the table below. Only homework that follows these instructions will be accepted for credit. |
Due Date | Homework* | Topic | Text Chapter | Relevant etext pages |
Sept 9 | TQHW02 | Force and stress | chapter 02 | etext p. 41-60 |
Sept 16 | TQHW03 | The frictional regime | chapter 03 | etext p. 61-87 |
Sept 28 | TQHW04 | Joints and veins | chapter 04 | etext p. 89-107 |
Oct 14 | TQHW05 | Faults | chapter 05 | etext p. 109-135 |
Oct 30 | TQHW06 | Deformation and strain | chapter 06 | etext p. 137-160 |
Nov 11 | TQHW07 | The plastic regime | chapter 07 | etext p. 161-188 |
Nov 20 | TQHW08 | Folds | chapter 08 | etext p. 189-220 |
*Homework other than the "text & questions" variety that might be assigned during lecture sessions will be described below as they are assigned.
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All of the original content of this website is © 2019 by Vincent S. Cronin