
Snowy ridgeline viewed from Ouray, Colorado

Snowy ridgeline just east of Ouray, Colorado. Photo by Vince Cronin.

Standards of Geoscience Ethics

The American Geophysical Union is the largest organization of Earth and space scientists in the world, with more than 65,000 members. AGU has articulated a minimal set of standards that geoscientists are required to meet in order to be members of AGU or participants in AGU activities.

Members of the Baylor Geosciences Department, as part of the international geoscience community, are expected to abide by the AGU Scientific Integrity and Professional Ethics Policy to the extent that it does not conflict with Baylor University's nondiscrimination policies and statements (e.g., and

The AGU Scientific Integrity and Professional Ethics Policy is available online at

GeoEthics Resources

Organizations with a special focus on geoscience ethics

Geoscience ethics codes

Other important applied-ethics documents

Other GeoEthics resources

Baylor University documents related to ethics and integrity

This is not a static resource, so please send your comments, suggestions for additional resources, or notice of broken links to Vince Cronin via